NTT Solutions



Benefits of Training to Employers

There are some very valuable benefits of training employees and, in what follows, I will explain what these benefits are.

If you work in HR, are a manager, or perhaps you are the owner of a company, this post might help you to better decide whether or not it is worth investing in employee and staff training.

1. Employee and Staff Retention Rates

One of the biggest costs many companies have is the cost of having to rehire staff and retrain them.

The first 90 days of employment are especially important, i.e. during the induction of new employees. This is because this timeframe is when a staggering 45% of new employees leave a company on average (from studies that have been done).

So you can see the importance of training when it comes to newly hired staff and this training should cover:

  • Job training – making sure that they are taught the basics of their new role properly so that they begin with some confidence and momentum in the role, and to ensure they actually understand what they are doing (it’s surprising how often this training is not given).
  • Company culture training – one of the most commonly missed and yet important pieces of training that I recommend to include for new hires, is in the company culture, background, and ethics. Such training can help the new employee to really feel a part of the company.
  • Leadership training – for those new hires who are taking on a management role in your company. Many managers rise through the ranks but often have not been trained in key areas such as Inclusive Leadership, intercultural communication, or how to manage virtual teams (to give a few examples).

    2. Happier Staff and Better Workplace Morale

    When staff receive the right training, it provides you, as a business, with a far more fun, vibrant, and generally much happier workforce.

    A happy workforce and workplace tend to translate into lower staff turnover and better productivity!

    To create a happier workforce, training in certain topics can be useful, such as:

    • Team Leader Training – because it is training that can help your managers to better understand how to make all employees feel included and valued in the workplace. By trying to reduce the isolation that some employees might otherwise feel, you begin to create a happier workforce.
    • Safeguarding Training – whilst not all employees might at first enjoy the idea of a safeguarding workshop, this type of session can be surprisingly effective at bringing staff together. This course can also be delivered as a 7 hour Driver CPC session.
    • Driver CPC, work improvement – if you are a company that provides your employees driver CPC training, then it is well worth considering providing courses relevant to your particular section of the Transport Industry.. A more relaxed and well trained employee tends to mean a happier and more relaxed one.
    • Course Content – We can design a Driver CPC course to cover your organisations particular requirement. Call us to discuss your course content.